Sports Injury Rehab or Rest? What Your Body Really Needs
Physical Rehabilitation

What’s best for your body after an injury? We compare two schools of thought to see which comes out on top - sports injury rehab or rest.
Research what to do after an injury and you’ll find conflicting information across the web. Some people swear by resting up, while others suggest the only way to recover is through rehabilitation exercises. But who is right? And what should you do with your injury?
Much depends on the type of sports injury you suffered. A broken bone or tissue rupture, sprain, or surgery will require serious downtime.
But for most soft tissue injuries, a rest period of 72 hours followed by a customized physical therapy plan can be the best way to get back into shape.
So, what method is best for you? Let’s weigh up the pros and cons of each.
Sports injury rehab vs rest: The pros and cons of each
Rest was once considered the optimal way to recover from an injury. But that philosophy has changed over the years. One study concludes resuming activity soon after a musculoskeletal injury can restore tissue function, while prolonged rest may lengthen recovery times and may even cause further deterioration.
However, that doesn’t mean rest doesn’t have a place in a recovery plan, or that jumping back into your exercise routine immediately will cure any aches and ailments.
Sports injury rehab
- Promotes muscle flexibility and strength.
- Reduces pain.
- Shortens recovery time.
- A physical therapist can assess what caused the injury and tailor a rehab program to address the issue.
- An intense rehab program or resuming activity shortly after the injury may lead to a cycle of more pain followed by rest that doesn’t resolve the issue.
- You may favor the injured area, which can result in an injury to another part of the body.
- Diminishes the ability of your tissues to regain their full strength before the injury by doing too much too soon.
Rest after a sports injury
- A short period of rest gives tissues time to repair and recover.
- Spending time away from sports can help you relax, which can decrease anxiety and reduce pain.
- Can be combined with an incremental, step-by-step rehab program.

- Leads to stiff and weakened muscles and tissues.
- Prolonged recovery time.
- It takes longer to return to your pre-injury conditioning level in a process known as deconditioning.
There is no right or wrong answer on rest versus rehab — except to get advice from a professional soon after you’ve suffered an injury. The answer hinges on the nature of the condition and your lifestyle.
In most cases, a brief initial period of rest prevents complications. But that must be followed by physical therapy backed by an exercise plan to strengthen and support your muscles.
Before starting a sports injury rehab program, first, check with your doctor for medical clearance.
A physical therapist can develop an individualized exercise program to aid recovery and get you back on the way to doing what you do best. An experienced professional can also help you find ways to avoid another injury, so you don’t have to wonder if you need rest or rehab.
Heal from a sports injury with our help
At All Sports Physical Therapy, we’ve helped hundreds of patients overcome sports injuries with our customized rest and rehab plans. We’ll decide on the best route to get you pain-free and back in shape. Contact us today for a consultation.